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Hi: some news I need to share with you.

Rev. William Melton

Last Sunday, on April 2, I experienced a pretty bad stroke, and I was in the hospital until Friday evening. I am now at home, and I am expected to fully recover.

Unfortunately, I now have Aphasia which is an inability to comprehend or formulate language because of damage to a specific region of the brain. To be diagnosed with Aphasia, a person's speech or language might be significantly impaired in the certain aspects of communication following the acquired brain injury.

You might think as my difficulty as being jumbled words, and difficulties with Aphasia can range from occasional trouble finding words, and the difficulty to speak.

However, intelligence is totally unaffected (well, to the extent I have no more nor less intelligence than I have ever had).

So, obviously I will need speech therapy, and as a certain extent I will need to “re-learn” how to re-speaking.

The most important I am boring with you my diagnose is to clarify that I will am expected to recover, hopefully within about 6-8 weeks. And in the interim, I will be participating in our Compassion Consortium activities as much as possible. And obviously the Compassion Consortium will not miss a beat, and our Spiritual Team will continue to lead us all together in my interim period as always.



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6 comentarios

Kelly Jostad
Kelly Jostad
22 abr 2023

It’s April 22 and I just now saw this post regarding Reverend William and his bad stroke on April 2.

You have been a blessing to me in my life Reverend William. I pray for your recovery. I can’t imagine how scary suffering a stroke might be for you. 🌸

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13 abr 2023

I’m so sorry to hear of your stroke, I’m sending you much love and healing vibes, and wishing you a speedy recovery xx

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Nathan DeMay
Nathan DeMay
13 abr 2023

You are loved and we are all pulling for your recovery!

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Sally Zito
Sally Zito
13 abr 2023

Oh my! I'm sorry this happened, and it must be kind of scary! So glad you are okay. Sending big love to you and Victoria. It will be extra good to see you both at the next service.

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13 abr 2023

Sending love, light, wishes, hopes and prayers to you Reverend William and to Victoria.

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