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February 16, 2025

A Conversation with Dr. Christina Nellist

Reverend Sarah Bowen opens our gathering + Tenet 2 of our Tenets of Agreement read by Dianne Waltner + Celebrating Ophidia - interspecies Spiritual Practice + Victoria Moran interview with Dr. Christina Nellist + Talk to the Animals Song of Compassion +  Blessings and Closing Prayers + Announcements and Events

January 19, 2025

A Conversation with Jen Baker

Reverend Sarah Bowen opens our gathering + Tenet 1 of our Tenets of Agreement read by Jodie Jacobs + a Gratitude Meditation Interspecies Spiritual Practice with Alaina Sigler + Victoria Moran interview with Jen Baker + Choosing Kindness Song of Compassion +  Blessings and Closing Prayers + Announcements and Events

December 15, 2024

A Conversation with Sharon Gannon

Reverend Sarah Bowen opens our gathering + the Tenets of Agreement read by Ginny Mikita + a Giving of Water Interspecies Spiritual Practice with Reverend Sarah Bowen + Victoria Moran interview Sharon Gannon + Song of Compassion + Compassion in Action with Ginny Mikita + Blessings and Closing Prayers + Announcements and Events

November 17, 2024

Special Thanksliving Episode

Reverend Sarah Bowen opens our gathering + the Tenets of Agreement read by Elaine Hutchison + an Interspecies Spiritual Practice with Reverend Sarah Bowen + Victoria Moran guides a Friends and Family Fellowship Sharing + Song of Compassion + Compassion in Action with Kevin Newell + Blessings and Closing Prayers + Announcements and Events

October 20th, 2024

A Conversation with Tamara Bedić


Guest Reverend Ginny opens our gathering with discussion on Blessing of the Animals celebrations, making space for joy & sorrow, celebrations & loss + the Tenets of Agreement read by Jess Hoffman + an Interspecies Spiritual Practice led by Genie Joseph + Victoria Moran interviews Tamara Bedić + Song of Compassion featuring mushroom biomusic + Compassion in Action with Siri Lindley + News, Blessings, and Closing Prayers + Announcements and Events

September 15, 2024

A Conversation with Rabbi David Rosen


Reverend Sarah opens our gathering with the unique and seldom heard voice of the shoebill stork of Africa + Reverend Sarah discusses animal blessings and what they mean + the Tenets of Agreement read by Reverend Carla Libby Gentry + an Interspecies Spiritual Practice led by Reverend Sarah + Victoria Moran interviews Chief Rabbi David Rosen + Song of Compassion featuring a young girl playing a concertina to a group of cows + Compassion in Action with Reverend Marshall Hammer + News, Blessings, and Closing Prayers + Announcements and Events

August 18, 2024

A Conversation with Rev. Shad Groverland


Rev. Sarah opens the service with the voices of pigs + the Tenets of Agreement read by Lars Pardo + honoring Victoria Moran as an inductee into the Vegan Hall of Fame + a Contemplative Practice, "Celebrating our Successes" led by Rev. Sarah + Victoria Moran interviews Rev. Shad Groverland of the Fillmore Church + Compassion in Action interview with Rev. Carol Saunders + Blessings and Closing Prayers + Announcements and Upcoming Events

July 21, 2024

A Conversation with Ellie Laks


Rev. Sarah opens the service with the mysterious sounds of snakes and asks us to look at the animals in our habitats + the Tenets of Agreement by Paula Newman + an Interspecies Spiritual Practice led by Rev. Sarah + Victoria Moran interviews Ellie Laks of The Gentle Barn + Compassion in Action features Ellen Felsenthal + Blessings and Closing Prayers + Announcements and Upcoming Events

June 16, 2024

Animal Chaplain Ordination Celebration


Reverend Sarah welcomes and introduces the emerging Animal Chaplain cohort + Tenets of Agreement + Interspecies Spiritual Practice + Jackie Saline with “Funeral for a Gnat + Jessica Hoffman with “Ritual for a Wolf” + Julie Matson with “Elegy to a Lost Species” + Lars Pardo with “A Forest Reborn” + Genie Joseph with “Do Nothing with Donkeys” + Lisa Waggoner with “Meditation with Doggo + Compassion in Action with Dr. Jeff Feinman + Presentation of the Animal Chaplain Class of 2024 + Blessings and closing prayers with Rev. Ginny Mikita + Jen Baker presents announcements and  future events

May 19, 2024

A Conversation with Lisa Kemmerer


Reverend Sarah opens the service with the voices of the urban Great-tailed Grackles and speaks about the beings in our habitats, the cognitive dissonance of loving certain beings while ignoring others, and making changes within systems + the Tenets of Agreement read by Jennifer Baker + our Interspecies Spiritual Practice with Reverend Ginny Mikita, “Birdwatching as Spirituality” + Reverend Sarah Bowen speaks with Lisa Kemmerer + Compassion in Action with Donny Moss +Blessings and Closing Prayers featuring “Bless the Bisons” with Renee Athay + Reverend William Melton presents Announcements and Upcoming Events

April 21, 2024

A Conversation with Barbara Gardner


Reverend Sarah opens the service with a chorus of voices of Canis Lupus, the gray wolf plus a short info sermonish about them and their worlds + Reverend William reads the Tenets of Agreement + An Interspecies Spiritual Practice called The Golden Rule + Victoria Moran interview Barbara Gardner of the Animal Interfaith Alliance + this month’s song of compassion, “Common Ground” by Bill Noter + Compassion in Action with Judy Ramsey + Blessings and Closing Prayers + Judy Ramsey shares a blessing from the Quechua people of South America + Reverend William presents announcements and upcoming events

March 17, 2024

A Conversation with Saurabh Dalal


Reverend Sarah opens the service with the voice of a jaguar and a sermonish on the use of faux fur in religious expression + Carlos Garcia reads our Tenets of Agreement + Tina Miller leads us in an Interspecies Spiritual Practice titled “Be the Wind” + Victoria Moran interviews our special spiritual guest Saurabh Dalal + Compassion in Action features the creative team of a new film, Miss Liberty + Reverend Sarah leads us in blessings and closing prayers +Reverend William presents upcoming events and announcements. 

February 18, 2024

A Conversation with Vonettia Calloway


Reverend Sarah opens our service with  a greeting from some Cocricos—also known as the Chachalacas--the national bird of Tobago, plus her views on the meaning of mean “inter-“ words that are important to the Compassion Consortium + Our tenets are read by Denise Schaeffer + a heartwarming Interspecies Spiritual Practice with Christina Fitts + Victoria Moran interviews Vonettia Calloway of the Black Vegan Experience + Compassion in Action features the new Animal Chaplaincy Training cohort + Blessings and closing events with Tury Brandow + Reverend William announces upcoming events.

January 21, 2024

A Conversation with Dr. Sailesh Rao

Reverend Sarah opens our service with some good news about dogs and squirrels + the Tenets of Agreement are read by Corrine Matouba + Reverend Sarah leads us in an Interspecies Spiritual Practice of Good News for Animals + Victoria interviews. Dr. Sailesh Rao + the Song of Compassion “The Creatures We Love” by Amanda Udis-Kessler + Compassion in Action with Phil DeJean + Blessing and Closing Prayers with Estela Torres + Reverend William presents announcements and events

December 17, 2023

A Conversation with Dr. Clair Linzey

Reverend Sarah opens the service with the sound of reindeer hooves and speaks about the contradictions of the season + our Tenets of Agreement are read by Jodie Jacobs + our Interspecies Spiritual Practice, a snow meditation created by Ellen Schmidt + Victoria speaks with Dr. Clair Linzey about her work and the Oxford Center for Animal Ethics + Compassion in Action guest Miyoko Schinner talks about changing the world by changing ourselves and creating community + Animal Blessing by Jeanie Joseph and Closing Prayers with Reverend Sarah + Reverend William highlights announcements and upcoming events

November 19, 2023

A Conversation with Linda G. Fisher

Reverend Sarah opens with the voices of turkeys and practices of gratitude + the reading of our tenets by Karen Koehler + an Interspecies Spiritual Practice of a winter meditations, led by Animal Chaplain Dianne Waltner + Victoria Moran speaks with special spiritual guest animal communicator and artist, Linda G. Fisher + a Song of Compassion, Yemeya, honoring Native American Heritage Month for peoples in the North and South Americas as well as the Jewish tradition + Compassion in Action features vegan educator William Radinson + Karen Davis leads us in Blessings and Closing Prayers + Reverend William announces future events

October 22, 2023

A Conversation with John Pierre


Rev. Sarah opens the service with the rarely heard and beautiful voices of bats + Joan Dewey reads our Tenets of Agreement + Jodie Jacobs leads us in a wonderful Interspecies Spiritual Practice, Soaring with Seagulls + Victoria speaks with John Pierre + David Greene talks about Vegan community building in Compassion in Action + Animal Chaplain Annie Li offers a comforting blessing for the animals who share our homes + Reverend William closes the service with announcements and events

September 24, 2023

A Conversation with Dave Simon


Reverend Sarah opens the service with the soft, sweet voices of frogs + Reverend Sarah invites us to join in the spirit of Yom Kippur to reflect on our actions + Victoria reads our Tenets of Agreement + Our Interspecies Spiritual Practice introduces Doggling + Victoria Moran speaks with Dave Simon about his book and his Buddhist belief + Compassion in Action features Rev. Carol Saunders and her work in bringing Vegan values to the world +  Reverend Sarah leads us in prayers for animals who were lost this year + Reverend William presents announcement and events

August 27, 2023

A Conversation with Reverend Shad Groverland

Reverend Sarah welcomes us with the melodious voices of whales, plus presenting some highlights for the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions + Kimberly Winters reads our Tenets of Agreement + Reverend Sarah introduces us to an Interspecies Spiritual Practice of Underwater Om Shanti—inviting peace into our body, minds, and spirts + Victoria Moran speaks with Reverend Shad Groverland of Unity Worldwide Ministries about the history and practice of Veganism and vegetarianism in that faith + our Song of Compassion from the Carnival of the Animals (Le Carnaval des Animaux)  composed by Camille Saint-Saëns + Compassion in Action features Dianne Waltner—author, activist, and animal chaplain + Reverend Ginny Mikita leads us in a Lobster Blessing + Reverend William presents Compassion Consortium announcements and upcoming events

July 23, 2023

A Conversation with Judy Carman


Reverend Sarah opens the service with robotic voices and speaks on the ethics of intersecting animals with AI + Reverend William reads our Tenets of Agreement + Reverend Sarah leads us in an Interspecies Practice melding body scans and animal realities + Victoria Moran interviews author Judy Carman + Compassion in Action features writer and activist Charlotte Cressey + Reverend Sarah offers prayers and a closing blessing, featuring sand art blessings + Reverend William announces upcoming events

June 25, 2023

Animal Chaplaincy Graduation Special

Reverend Sarah opens this special service with a video featuring the beautiful blessings of bees + Victoria Moran offers a warm welcome and celebration of our animal chaplain graduates + Animal Chaplain Michelle Tinkham reads the Tenets of Agreement + the Song of Compassion, a video created by Animal Chaplain Ellie Sarty + Animal Chaplain Cathy Flanagan leads us in an Interspecies Spiritual practice for connecting to our rooted friends, the trees + Reverend Sarah introduces the new animals chaplains + Compassion in Action features animal activist and Animal Chaplain Patricia Denys + a charge to our new animal chaplain graduates from our closest canine companions + Reverend Sarah offers closing blessings and prayers + Reverend William highlights announcements and events

May 21, 2023

A Conversation with Martin Rowe


Reverend Sarah talks about the quandaries of living with bears Introduces the Song of Compassion, an Algonquin Water Song + Reverend Sarah presents the practice of Visio Divina + Victoria Moran speaks with Martin Rowe + Compassion in Action features Fred Beasley, author and muti-faceted activist + Reverend Sarah leads us in Blessings and Prayers + Reverend William presents announcements and upcoming events

April 23, 2023

A Conversation with Swami Chidananda


Reverend Sarah opens with a talk on the reality of cows and maintaining balance in an unfair world + our Earth Day Song of Compassion “Love Song to the Earth”, with Sir Paul McCartney and others + Adriana DiFazio guides us in a RAIN Interspecies Spiritual Practice to bring mindfulness and compassion to difficult emotions + Victoria speaks with Swami Chidananda about his journey and the beauty of Bhakti yoga + Compassion in Action features animal advocate and social media guru John Oberg + Reverend Sarah leads a Silent Witnessing Prayer (with a plushy) + Reverend Sarah announces upcoming events

March 26, 2023

A Conversation with Dharmachari Seven


Reverend Sarah welcomes us with the sound of tigers and the highlights of the upcoming service + Adriana DiFazio discusses the bodhisattva vows of Zen Buddhism, the four dignities of Tibetan Buddhism, and how we can relate them to the natural world + Reverend William shares his love of Compassion Consortium swag + In the Interspecies Spiritual Practice, Adriana DiFazio leads us in a  walking meditation + Victoria Moran talks with Dharmachari Seven + Compassion in Action features Dr. Lo Sprague and the film, Anima + Terri Cornwell leads the blessings and closing prayers  + Reverend William announces upcoming events

February 26, 2023

A Conversation with Candace Laughinghouse


Reverend Sarah shares the magic of the quiet, sweet voice of rabbits + Ellie Sartie leads us in an Interspecies Spiritual Practice that connects us with the beauty of groundhogs + Victoria speaks with Candace Laughinghouse about Womanism and changing the conversation about animal rights in theological and religious circles + Compassion in Action highlights the Animal Chaplain Training program + Reverend William announces upcoming events and happenings

January 22, 2023

A Conversation with Tavoria Kellam


Reverend Sarah showcases some fascinating animal art, and speaks about gratitude for squirrels, wildlife rehabilitators, and birds + Reverend William introduces January’s Song of Compassion, I Heard an Owl by Carrie Newcomer + Reverend Sarah has a conversation with a turkey vulture + Victoria talks with Tavoria Kellam about the compassion and beauty of the Baháʼí faith + Compassion in Action features Isabelle Cnudde of Clorofil animal advocacy group and sanctuary + Reverend Sarah offers a sacred sendoff, plus aspiring animal chaplain Jill Angelo and Tavoria Kellam give prayers and blessings + Reverend William highlights upcoming events and outreach for Compassionists

December 18, 2022

A Conversation with Reverend Christopher Carter


Reverend Sarah opens the service with a reminder to be abundantly grateful for all the good there already is and how to have hope in times of sadness + Reverend William introduces this month’s Song of Compassion, Sister Rosetta Tharpe’s version of This Little Light of Mine + Reverend Sarah guides us in an underwater meditation + Victoria talks with Reverend Christopher Carter, author of The Spirit of Soul Food + Compassion in Action asks a question of the Compassion Consortium founders and all Compassionists + Rabbi Sara Eiffler speaks about the beautiful tradition  and miracle of Hanukkah + Reverend William highlights upcoming Compassion Consortium events

November 27, 2022

A Talk with Dr. Armaiti May


Reverend Sarah invites us to consider the Native Americans who first lived on the land we now occupy plus the complicated relations between humans and turkeys + our Tenets of Agreement+ this month’s moving Song of Compassion, Ho’oponopono + our Interspecies Spiritual Practice with Ginny Mikita + Victoria talks with Dr. Armaiti May about Zoroastrianism and living a Vegan life as a veterinarian + Compassion in Action features Thomas Wade Jackson, his new docuseries, and his views on self-compassion + Agnetha McCormack leads a beautiful cat blessing + Reverend William Melton highlights our upcoming services, engaged members practice, a vegan welllness conference, and book event.

October 24, 2022

A Conversation with Renee King-Sonnen


Reverend Sarah explores what interspecies means within the Compassion Consortium, animal chaplaincy, plus blessings for all creatures and habitats + Our Tenets of Agreement, read by Jacob Bleu + Reverend Sarah leads us in a Forest Bathing Blessing + Victoria Moran speaks with Renee King-Sonnen, founder of the Rowdy Girl sanctuary and a frontline pioneer in transforming the farmed animal industry + Compassion in Action featuring Freessa Jaudon, a volunteer at the animal sanctuary Animal Aid Unlimited, in India + a closing blessing from animal chaplaincy student Diana Russo—a blessing bestowed upon the donkeys Luigi and Paco + Reverend William highlights coming attractions, highlighting the Engaged members event 

September 25, 2022

A Talk with Evanna Lynch


Rev. Sarah welcomes all to the Compassion Consortium, a spiritual place for animal advocates + Sally Zito performs a Song of Compassion, her original composition Still the Line + Reverend Debbie Philp guides us in practice for shifting our vision + Victoria Moran speaks with actor and animal activist Evanna Lynch + our Compassion in Action highlights the work of three of our members—Jacob Bleu, Dave Simon, and Rev. Nathan DeMay + Reverend Sarah leads us in a practice called Being the Light, and offers our closing prayer + Rev. William Melton brings news about upcoming events

August 28, 2022

A Conversation with Light, Cofounder of Gentle World


Rev. Sarah discusses the good and not-so-good heritage of Oxford, England, home to some of the most intense ethical debates about the status of animals + a canine Song of Compassion, “My Dog and Your Dog Too” performed by Carrie Newcomer + Rev. Erika leads an Interspecies Spiritual Practice of gratitude + Victoria Moran interviews Light, cofounder of Gentle World, the first Vegan non-profit educational organization + Compassion in Action features guests Hope and Coban Bohanec of the Hope for Animals podcast  + remembering animal rights champion Sherry Kolb and canine animal activist Forbes + blessings and closing prayers + upcoming events

July 24, 2022

A Conversation with Dr. Tushar Mehta

Rev. Sarah speaks about the beauty of bugs and the value of all beings + the Mad Vegan Prophet takes us on a stealthy state-sanctioned meat inspection + an oldie but goodie Song of Compassion (and Joy) + Rev. Erika leads us in a Qigong standing practice of self-healing with the wild turkeys of South Street + Victoria Moran speaks with Dr. Tushar Mehta about the amazing path of Jainism + a spotlight on the upcoming event, A Retrospective of Earthlings: 17 Years Later + Compassion In Action featured guest Kathy Stevens of Catskill Animal Sanctuary + Rev. Sarah says a prayer for bringing the blessings of light + a special announcement of an upcoming celebrity guest

June 26, 2022

A Conversation with Nathaniel Altman

Rev. Sarah discusses gender, same sex relationships, and polyamorous thruples in the animal world + a wonderful reading by Greg Lawson of our Tenets of Agreement + Thrive Choir sings a stunningly beautiful song of compassion We Shall Be Known + Rev. Erika shows us in a meditation how to be with bees + Victoria interviews her dear friend and teacher Nathaniel Altman about Theosophy, amazing connections, and working together differently + Compassion in Action visits veganic farmers Kimi and Kareno at their Sweet Digz Farm outside of Vancouver BC, Canada + Rev. Sarah leads us in a rainbow of kindness prayer, for animals of all colors. 

May 22, 2022

A Conversation with Rev. Lydia Huston

Rev. Sarah pays homage to the land of elf owls and curved bill thrashers + Rev. Sarah discusses biocultural diversity conservation and why it matters + a song of compassion by Carrie Newcomer + Rev. Erika leads us in connecting compassionately to our little one within + Victoria talks with Rev. Lydia Huston about the beautiful truths in A Course In Miracles +  Compassion in Action honors Freya Dinshah of The American Vegan Society + dharma talks +  Rev. Sarah teaches how to breathe in the yuck and breathe out the yum + Announcements from Rev. William

 April 24, 2022
A Conversation with Thomas Wade Jackson

Rev. Sarah discusses the wisdom that can be learned from hairballs + The Mad Vegan Prophet makes an appearance + A song for dragons + Rev. Erika leads a mystical meditation + Victoria speaks with Thomas Wade Jackson, director of A Prayer for Compassion + Compassion in Action with Lauren Maughan + Blessings and Prayers with Rev. Sarah, who asks five important questions about God + Announcements from Rev. William 


 March 27, 2022
A Conversation with Patti Breitman

Rev. Sarah discusses the science of spirituality - what happens when we gather + a new Song of Compassion + a new reflective spiritual practice with Rev. Erika + Victoria interviews Patti Breitman, vegan author, activist, and co-founder of Dharma Voices for Animals + Compassion in Action with Debbie Philp, founder of Dancing Turtle Rescue + Dissolving Paper Ritual with Rev. Sarah + a closing song of Freedom.

February 27, 2022
A Conversation with Dr. Milton Mills

Rev. Sarah discusses what it means to love + a new Song of Compassion celebrating the "ugly animals" with Rosario Dawson + a new interspecies practice from Rev. Erika + Victoria interviews guest Dr. Milton Mills, M.D. + Compassion on Action with our own Philippe Dejean + honoring those we’ve lost through the month then celebrating our joys + our closing song of love with Ray Charles.

January 23, 2022
Wellness for the New Year with guest Kathy Freston
Rev. Erika & Victoria share about new beginnings + a new Song of Compassion pick from Rev. William + a new interspecies practices from Rev. Erika + Victoria interviews guest Kathy Freston + CIA with John Lewis + honoring those we’ve lost through the month then celebrating our joys

December 26, 2021
Celebrating Christmas with guest Keith Akers

Rev. Sarah shares about belongings + a new Song of Compassion pick from Rev. William + a new interspecies practices from Rev. Erika + Victoria interviews guest Keith Akers + CIA with Maiian Haily-Moss + honoring those we’ve lost through the month then celebrating our joys

November 28, 2021
Celebrating Thanksliving with guest Hereditary Chief Phil Lane

Rev. Sarah shares inspiration from her trip to the Galapagos + a new Song of Compassion pick from Rev. William + a new interspecies practices from Rev. Erika (and a slug!) + Victoria interviews guest Hereditary Chief Phil Lane + honoring those we’ve lost through the month  then celebrating our joys

October 24, 2021
Talking Animal Ministry with guest Rev. Dr. Russell Elleven


 Rev. Sarah shares about pests + a new Song of Compassion  + a new interspecies practices from Rev. William + Victoria interviews guest Rev, Dr. Russell Elleven + Rev. Erika talks with Camille Licate & Bree the Rooster for Compassion in Action + honoring those we’ve lost through the month then celebrating our joys

September 26, 2021
A Sufi-Inspired Service with Guests Duke McLeod and Sande Nosonowitz


 Rev. Sarah shares about how prayer can help heal + a new Song of Compassion pick from Rev. William + a new interspecies practices from Rev. Erika + Victoria interviews guest Duke McLeod + CIA with the Sande Nosonowitz + honoring those we’ve lost through the month then celebrating our joys

August 22, 2021

Celebration of the Upcoming High Holy Days with Guests Rabbi Dr. Schmuly Yanklowitz and April Tam Smith


 Rev. Sarah shares about why all species need rest + a new Song of Compassion pick from Rev. William + a new interspecies practices from Rev. Erika + Victoria interviews guest Rabbi Yanklowitz + CIA with April Tam Smith + honoring those we’ve lost through the month  then celebrating our joys

July 25, 2021
Exploring Hinduism +  the Installation of Rev. William Melton with Guests Gopal Patel and Rev. Carol Saunders


 Rev. Sarah Bowen shares thoughts about "ministry as a verb" and we all celebrate the installation of Rev. William Melton as an ordained Interfaith Minister. Includes guests Gopal D. Patel of Bhumi Global for our spiritual interview & Rev. Carol Saunders for our Compassion in Action segment. Debbie Philp and Ginny Mikita read our Tenets of Agreement. We close with an air ritual for healing those in need, honoring those who have departed, and celebrating the joys of the month.

June 27, 2021
Celebrate PRIDE with Guests Jane Velez Mitchell and Mother Pigeon


 Rev. Sarah Bowen celebrates queer animal species. Rev. William is joined by Hope and Cogen Bonanec in reading our Tenets of Agreement. Beth Ertz offers a Song of Compassion. Rev. Erika Allison offers a walking meditation with some of  the feathered ones of Farm Sanctuary. Guest speaker Jane Velez-Mitchell taka with Victoria about her journey creating a multi-platform social media news outlet that promotes a vegan/compassionate lifestyle. our Compassion in Action segment features Mother Pigeon. We close with a seed ritual for healing those in need, honoring those who have departed, and celebrating the joys of the month.

May 23, 2021
Interspecies Spirituality with Guests Gwenna Hunter and Rachel Borkowski


Rev. Sarah Bowen shares about the intersections of interfaith, interspiritual, and interspecies spirituality. William Melton is joined by Rev. Sue Oliver and Ashwani Garg in reading our Tenets of Agreement. Daniel Redwood offers a Song of Compassion. Rev. Erika Allison shares a petting meditation with help from the beings of Farm Sanctuary. Gwenna Hunter talks with Victoria about founding Vegans for Black Lives Matter and Vegans of LA. Our Compassion in Action segment features Rachel Borkowski of Animal Connection. We close with a water ritual for healing those in need, honoring those who have departed, and celebrating the joys of the month.

April 25, 2021

Launch of the Compassion Consortium! with Guests Bruce Friedrich and Kara Walsh


Bruce shares his temporal and spiritual journey: The Road from the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker House to the Good Food Institute. Our Compassion in Action segment features Kara Walsh, VLCE.

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